1. The Schulcas Valley may be a poor choice to study posible changes in agricultural practices in the face of climate change given that the upper part is mostly pastoral and the lower is mostly subsitance farming, however the finding (very Little adaptation) might be replicated even in more market oriented farms. It might be worth extending the same questionnaire to other áreas.

  2. Hi Maria, thank you for your comment! We do have good reasons for locating our study in the Shullcas River Valley. Yet one consequence, as you note, is that we have relatively few households in our sample that farm commercially. In fact, three quarters of farming households in our sample reported zero income from agriculture, while only 8% of farmers reported that production and sale of crops accounts for 50% or more of their household income. It would certainly be interesting to gather data on climate change adaptation across a wider range of communities that include more commercial producers.

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