1. Can anonymity be guaranteed if a voice recording of the respondent is taken?

    I think validation mechanisms should exist, but not if it comes at a high cost to anonymity.

    1. Ensuring the anonymity of the respondents with an audio-recorded interview follows the same procedures as a computer-assisted or a pencil-and-paper interview that collects identifying information. In our case, we explained the data confidentiality procedures and asked for households’ permission to audio record the interviews, and made sure that the audio files together with hard copies of interviews were accessible to researchers only.

      I believe there are research questions that require more sensitive information (e.g., topics related to gender, health, political affiliations, etc.), in which case the use of audio recording may make respondents anxious and uneasy. In such cases, researchers need to use other validation mechanisms in order to reassure their respondents of absolute confidentiality.

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